Tuesday, 25 October 2016


Image result for july conspiracy 365

Characters: Piers, Callum, Boges, Sam, Kristen, Shanti, Julie, Michael & Kris.
Genre: Action
Setting: Australia
Tittle: Conspiracy 365 #7
Author: Gabrielle Lord
Illustrator: Gabrielle Lord
Rating: ********* 9/10
On New Years eve, Callum Ormond is chased down the street by a crazed man with a deadly warning
Callum is running out of places to hide O.o

Friday, 14 October 2016

Work On Writing W1T4.

 Here is what I did for Work On Writing.

For this you had to pick a card and take its advice and put it into a piece of writing.

Numeracy T4W1.

Here is my Position and Orientation slide that I did with a buddy. Here are the finished ones

It didn't take long to finish these. Food and Compass were easy. The teacher helped the class and explaining how it works.