Friday, 30 June 2017

Reflection W9T2.


This week for problem solving I did this. There are a lot more to finish off for next week but this is the simplest one that I have done

Read Theory

I am currently sitting on 1058 KP (Knowledge Points)

This is all I have for this week but there will be more.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Reflection W8T2.


Here is a sneak peak of my Speech that I will be doing in two weeks or after the holidays. Can't wait to get it over and done with.

Other than this I didn't get to FINISH anything off because of WestaMaths and Basketball training. I promise I can get more up next week because WestaMaths isn't going to be a massive effect next week.

Friday, 16 June 2017

Reflection W7T2.

I didn't really get much done this week but I got 1. Movie Trailer 2. Prototec Maths but thats about it because the movie trailer took up most of my time.

| Movie Trailer |

                                                                       | Prototec |

Sorry I didn't get much done this week. Ill be sure to get some more done next week :)

Friday, 9 June 2017

W6T2 Reflection.


This weeks problem solving me and my friend Alex worked on this. We didn't get to finish it as we only had one day to complete it and as you can see there was just too much reading for one answer. It took FOREVER


We had countable Jose come in to teach us about K.O.S. (Keeping Ourselves Safe) here are some facts

                                                                         The End